Summer Camps

Dedicated stations focus on skill development, in-game decision making, teamwork, and fitness, ensuring that players are exposed to a variety of coaching styles while being given the opportunity to develop all aspects of their game. Our Summer camps also serve as tryouts for the full time program.
Players attending our summer camps enjoy the added benefit not being distracted by commitments to school and other year-round sports, so we strongly encourage them to make use of their afternoons to begin forming the positive habits that our coaches teach them throughout the week. This could be stretching muscles that feel especially stiff, getting some extra touches on the ball in the form of juggling or dribbling (using the techniques and skills taught by our coaching staff), preparing healthy meals based on our nutrition talks to fuel their bodies for the busy week of training, or watching soccer on TV or the internet.
NOTE: Some of our camps run for 5 days and some run for only 4. However, we have added training time to the shorter weeks so that all training time remains consistent.
DISCOUNTS: Ask us about sibling, team and club discount
Time: 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Burnaby Lake Sports Complex West (Field #5)
Cost: $220.00 (includes GST) – Payment by Cheque or Interac e-Transfer
Time: 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Burnaby Lake Sports Complex West (Field #5)
Cost: $220.00 (includes GST) – Payment by Cheque or Interac e-Transfer
Time: 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Burnaby Lake Sports Complex West (Field #5)
Cost: $220.00 (includes GST) – Payment by Cheque or Interac e-Transfer
Time: 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Location: Burnaby Lake Sports Complex West (Field #3)
Cost: $220.00 (includes GST) – Payment by Cheque or Interac e-Transfer